
With the right tools and platform, data becomes your superpower. We’ll migrate databases, build platforms, and help you make your data work for you.

Send Your Data
to School

If data is driving your decisions, it needs to be trustworthy. We’ll mature your data so that you have access to the right insights at the right time.

What we specialize in:

At Tensure, we know that your data is about more than collecting simple metrics, behaviors, and attributes.

It’s about generating timely data that is trustworthy and actionable. By combining advanced analytics with a focus on security and reliability, we set the stage for businesses to not only understand their data but to let it guide them as they make critical decisions.

Tensure applications, data, cloud and AI

All we do is follow through

How we’ve partnered with other teams:

Startup integration
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Database migration
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Data pipeline & dashboarding
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Cloud resource optimization
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Drive your data forward.

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